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Home / For readers

Welcome, fellow writer

Even if you've never written a book before, I believe you can! On my blog, I like to share all the things I've learned along the way and let you know about great resources that have helped me. This is what you'll find here: 



If I suggest a book or service, I believe it will be beneficial to you. I DO NOT participate in affiliate marketing. I receive no monetary gain when I recommend another's product.  


Some awesome tools and resources 

There's so many great resources for writers, and I love to share what I've discovered.


Tips to save money

If you choose to self-publish, you may find yourself wondering what services you should spend your money on and which you should avoid. These tips should not be missed!


Advice from other authors

I love inviting my writer friends over to my blog for an interview and/or guest post. It gives me an opportunity to learn from them, and share the info with you.


So jump on in, I hope you enjoy!


Wishing you all the best on this journey,

SJ Lem


Ensuring success as a writer

Did you know that out of every 100 people who start writing a novel, only 3 will actually finish? It makes you wonder how they do it. Through my own journey, I've discovered one thing that all writers need. And no, it's not more time! It's motivation.


When you sign up for my email, you'll receive Four ways to ignite your motivation straight to your inbox. Best of all, it's free!

Writing advice from my blog

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